Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Lucifer Project, a new sun for me and you

I don't really get into talking about conspiracy theories here on MPL, mainly because for me to make any informed opinion about them I would need to spend a lot of time researching the subject.

This one is different, it has a spiffy video to show supposedly what happened a few years back.

So the conspiracy is this, the Galileo Space probe was flung into Jupiter, it had plutonium on board, it exploded and left a big black earth sized dot on Jupiter. The second part to this conspiracy theory is that NASA is planning on doing it again with the Cassini Space Probe, it is said to have about 3 times more plutonium on board than Galileo, this time however the target is Saturn. Saturn's atmosphere is almost entirely Hydrogen and the theory is that it will explode like an H-Bomb, a very big one, in effect creating a new sun.

I've only just heard about this and the above is the gist of what I know. If you want to know more about this you could attempt to read through this explanation of the Lucifer project, I didn't, please tell me if it's any good, hehe.

This also has more info about the Galileo Probe Will Galileo Make Jupiter a Star?, which attempts to debunk the theories and seeing it was written for what has already happened, I guess they were right.

Conspiracy theories aye, make great movies, I'd definitely go see this one. I now know why I don't write about them here, they seem to get wildly out of hand with so much information either way, they make for great reading and most of the time long reading.

I had another reason for posting this, I read that the youtube version of the video was taken down by request from NASA, geez more conspiracy theories.


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Well, that'll help global warming...

    So wait, are they supposedly doing this on purpose? Like just to be evil, or is there some grand reasoning behind it? I suppose it'll make things nice for the Reptilians--the pet lizards I used to have LOVED their sun lamp...

    Whatever, that musical score in the video was cool enough to make up for six new suns.

  2. Anonymous9:48 PM

    I remember Richard Hoagland talking about this a couple of years ago. Just what we need to speed up global warming - another sun.

  3. Reading through some of the theories, the radiation and debris will begin to arrive on earth 28 days after the explosion. Those lucky enough will have access to the underground bases through out the world, when they emerge a year later a team will be sent to a moon of saturn to begin terraforming.

    The score in that video is good enough for a movie.

    I'm looking forward to planet-x doing its rounds and 2012.

  4. Anonymous2:14 AM


    I love this theory.
    Its actually an Illumni conspiracy.

    I find it very plausible. WHY?

    1. Hydrogen is definetly flammable.

    Thats only reason. Light that baby up and you got some serious fireworks.

    Believe what you want about the conspiricies and whatever.

    Only things that really bothers me is all that radiation. We would see the light then have to wait for the end. Imagine the Anarchy.

    28 days is alot of time for all the powerful people to establish survival plan. Survival of the fittest.

    NASA becomes the superpower. LOL.

    Would make an awesome movie. Be like War of the Worlds. People come out of cinema with blank looks. Get hysterical.


  5. Anonymous7:32 PM

    The sun runs on fusion, while nuclear bombs are based on fission, which is the total opposite.

  6. When I read about it, I saw a bit that said that Saturn isn't big enough to have fusion happen, I guess what people are saying is that a nuclear bomb could trigger a massive explosion and that Saturn could become fusionised as a result of the explosion, or something like that, I'm not intelligent enough for all this fusion talk, I now nothing about nuclear bombs and stuff, I live in a country that has banned anything nuclear lol.

  7. Anonymous7:31 PM

    I thoght this theroy was very intresting and although jupiter probaly dosent posses the ability to contain the material well enought for the primary fission reaction to set off a secondary fission reaction it may cause the planets atmosphere to burn away. This is why we no longer test Hyrogen bomb here on earth, and its simply to expensive ot test in space. there is no way for the planet to become a star, the only reason fusion bomb work is because the hyrogen is contained at critical mass.
